Hey look! A whole second post.
Heya folks, good news and bad news!
Good(?) news is that – as those of you on my Discord already might’ve heard – we’re starting work on the next comic!
Been a while since we’ve done a last proper one, and that is clearly not good and I am sorry. The upcoming comic is going to be somewhat short, and noticeably different from our little ‘norm’ as it were – it won’t be having any human on pone, for starters (blasphemous, I know!). Though, to immediately disappoint all of you ‘pure’ horsefiddling enthusiasts out there, it won’t feature any particular stallion on mare action either. How it’s not going to have any of that and still be a very much hot pornographic technicolor pastel pony comic goodness? That’s a good question, I sure hope I can figure it out by the time I’m supposed to have it done.
Anyway! What I can promise is that the comic is going to be much more lighthearted than the last one, with some pages of silly/sexy prelude to action before it starts getting steamy and then it immediately ends getting steamy after like a page or two, and then I get swarmed with angry comments about where all the porn is, and then fuking assasinated, probably. So yeah, kinda like good ol’ Display of Passion (remember that one?), if Display of Passion was a reasonable length of like 10 to 15 pages instead of whatever insane number it had. That’s all I can say for now, and expect some WiPs if you’re into that!
Oh, right, and if you somehow managed to tear through that jumbled wall of text, here’s your reward – the bad news! The bad news is that the artist did a dum-dum, and as he was moving out of the city to spend a month in the countryside, he managed to forget all the files with the last art back home on a PC he can’t access now. So yeah, that’s why there was no art last week. Sorry folks. You’ll still get to see it when he gets back, though! Probably sure of that! Definitely maybe!