The order is Main pic (bottom) → Top left → Top Center → Top Right. Sorry it’s confusing.
The garden mare let out an exceptionally loud snore and the filly froze, clenching the green stalk in her teeth and feeling her heart thumping wildly in her chest. Just a few feet away, on the other side of the hedge, unsuspecting ponies passed by. If any of them decides to take a closer look… Or if some pegasus just happens to fly past… Or if the mare wakes up from her nap a few minutes too early… Scoots’ knees went weak as cold sweat broke out on her forehead. It was so wrong. So scary. So… exciting. The thrill overcame the fear and she pulled, the heavy wave of intoxicating scent washing over her and immediately transforming all the worry into a new, fiery hot feeling of sweet guilty pleasure. Her mouth opened, her tongue reached out, and her hoof, as if on its own, crept its way down her belly.
Part three of the semi-series. The orange filly finds herself craving for more and more of the heady pone nectar — for reasons she doesn’t quite understands — but is at loss as of where to find it. Surely nopony else would be such an easy target as the previous two… Luckily, the opportunity presents itself, and as the filly catches a whiff of the familiar scent, she knows she’s not the one to pass it up.